‘The Fast, The Pilgrimage, The Sacrifice’ are a body of works blessed with the dua (prayers) of my family and I. They carry our intention and trust; the sanctity of ritual practice. Through this work I document important events in the Islamic calendar, Ramadan (the fast), Hajj (the pilgrimage) and Eid al-Adha (the sacrifice), and the means by which we cleanse and protect space and body in preparation for ceremony. Traditional techniques such as raising, granulation and stone carving are reinterpreted through a sacred material language. The elements; the seeds of the dates we used to break our fast, the horn of the bull sacrificed to feed the community, the mustard seed, are all imbued with potent materiality that transcends into spiritual practice. These works exist to resist the loss of knowledge, the act of making itself a conduit for ancestral memory.
Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Allahuakbar
tasbih (prayer bead), to proclaim the divine 100 times over
seeds of the dates used to break our fast during Ramadan, carved and inlaid with fine silver, a tassel of my sister, niece, mother and my own hair,
threaded on silk,

‘The Fast, The Pilgrimage, The Sacrifice’ was completed in 2018 and presented at Specific Gravity, the graduate exhibition for students graduating from the Advanced Diploma of Jewellery and Object Design, Melbourne Polytechnic. These works were then selected as part of Fresh! 2019, Craft Victoria’s annual statewide showcase of graduate students showing innovation, skill and promise in their field. The Fresh! 2019 catalogue can be viewed here.
the sacrifice, to feed the community and absolve the ancestors
bull horn, blessed and sacrificed with my grandfather as witness,
fine silver mustard seed lip